El aceite de oliva debe de pesar 0,917 kilogramos o 917 gramos que es lo mismo

Extra virgin olive oil density

Few people know that the density of olive oil can change depending on the temperature, if we weigh a litre of olive oil at 200º the weight of a litre would be 800 grams and if we weigh a litre of oil at 0º the weight would be 929 grams. It is also thought that a better quality oil weighs more than a lower quality oil, but this is a myth, the difference in weight does not say which oil is better than the other, as the weights of the different types of oil are similar.

What does the density of olive oil depend on?

It may depend on the type of olive used to make the olive oil, as some varieties of olives produce a denser olive oil than others. Another factor that can affect the density of olive oil is the production phase of the product and the transformation of the fruit, which is due to multiple factors that develop during these processes. And lastly, the aforementioned climatic and environmental conditions can also have a slight effect on its density.

Knowing the density of olive oil is very important so that you cannot be swindled with products that are not 100% olive oil and that may only contain a part of it mixed with other products. It is usually recommended when buying olive oil in bulk. Because initially in supermarkets where olive oil is bought in small quantities, the establishments themselves have checked whether the products are really what they claim to be. Because if a user finds an olive oil that is not 100% the reputation that is affected is both the reputation of the establishment for having bad products, and the brand of the product that has that defect.

Hay varias formas para comprobar esto, primero puedes pesar un litro de aceite a una temperatura entre 16 y 17 grados celsius, el aceite de oliva debe de pesar 0,917 kilogramos o 917 gramos que es lo mismo. Pero esto puede variar un poco dependiendo de la variedad de oliva que proceda o de la fase de producción y transformación del aceite de oliva. Por lo que se recomienda también otra forma de comprobar si es aceite de oliva, esta forma es meter en un recipiente transparente aceite de oliva y agua. Si se hace eso en principio si es aceite de oliva debería de estar sobre el agua y si contiene otro producto más denso o menos se harán varias capas visibles a simple vista.

What is the density of Extra Virgin Olive Oil?

The density of olive oil and extra virgin olive oil are practically the same, with a density of 0.916 kg/litre, which means that one litre of olive oil weighs 916 grams at a room temperature of 16 to 17 degrees Celsius. Although there is a small difference in density between olive oils and extra virgin olive oils, which usually have a slightly higher density than olive oils. In addition, it can also be said that an extra virgin olive oil is of higher quality if it is denser than another extra virgin olive oil.

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